The PNC's visit with the Adult Sunday School class was a treat. There were roughly 25 participants in all; and we were grateful for the liveliness, engagement and insights of the group. The first question posed was this: If you were in the church parking lot and someone walked up to you and asked you what was most important to you about the Rec, what would you tell them? Among the things we heard were that we are gutsy, caring, creative and like a family. We have diverse interests and accomplishments. The second question posed: What should be the skills and priorities of the pastor? Some of what we heard: an ability to show radical love, a storyteller and community builder, able to listen to those who disagree and solidly grounded on biblical principles. Thanks to the Adult Sunday School for letting us visit with you and hear what you had to say!
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We are all one in God's love.
The Rec is a More Light congregation, support Earth Care, and a Peace Church.
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